About us

Our company

I Light It born in 2016 from the idea to have a brand of easy assembling luminaires for domestic use.

In February 2016, as part of the project La_B Marmita, we started to create the first Ideas, developing the first Prototypes and creating the third product, LEdGO , that later on would be our flagship product, with the intention that the client could set up the shapes he likes the most, in an easy way. 

I Light It is a personal project developed by Emanuele Terracini, Architect and Lighting Designer, born Italian and Spanish foster.

Our products' values are:

  • High quality in Materials, Finishes and Mechanisms
  • Easy to mount Systems
  • Creativity stimulation
  • high Quality Design



Wood CD3

CD3 is a basic DIY luminaire. Just follow the instructions and assemble it.


PersonaLED Forme

PersonaLED is an evolution of the first one. This table/surface/suspended light is a customizable luminaire. Choose your pattern or send us what you want on your luminaire.



LEdGO is the ultimate I Light It luminaire. It allows you to choose the the shape you would like to give to your luminaire. Each piece of the pack is possible to combine with any other. You can create from a regular polyhedron to an irregular, organic or abstract form. Give your fantasy a chance!

CD3 and PersonaLED have been designed by Alberto Troconis, Ingeniero Eléctrico y Lighting Designer and Emanuele Terracini.

LEdGO Design is by Emanuele Terracini.

PersonaLED drawings are by MESO PRJCT (Luca Mesolella)